[Recording] Dec 1st - Unlocking the European Green Deal

An in-depth exploration of the Green Deal’s key changes and challenges across all business levels, from manufacturing, to product, to the chemicals behind it. 

What’s in it for you?

  • Discover how adapting to green policies can future proof your company and open new market opportunities  
  • Identify specific areas within your product development, manufacturing, and operations that will be impacted by Green Deal regulations  
  • Understand the urgency of taking proactive steps to align your business with sustainable practices and avoid potential risks  
  • Acquire practical knowledge and strategies to ensure compliance with Green Deal regulations 
  • Discover Enhesa’s valuable tools that can support your journey towards Green Deal compliance 

Embracing sustainability isn’t just a choice; it’s an imperative. By aligning with the Green Deal’s key pillars, we can transform challenges into opportunities, reduce our environmental impact, and create a brighter, more sustainable future for all.

Watch the recording tp get an insightful webinar that explores the Green Deal’s key pillars from the perspectives of Enhesa’s Operations, Product, and Sustainable Chemistry business units. Discover how our solutions can assist your business in seizing opportunities and staying ahead of the game. 

Learn how you can: 

  • Reduce your carbon emissions and air pollutants to align with the Green Deal’s stringent environmental standards 
  • Adopt sustainable resource management practices, such as responsible sourcing of raw materials and the use of renewable resources, to minimize your impact on biodiversity 
  • Implement sustainable chemistry to understand what substances you use and reduce hazardous substances in your products and processes  
  • Develop sustainable products that have a reduced impact on human health and the environment throughout their lifecycle, from production to disposal 
  • Enhance the efficiency of your existing buildings and ensure that new constructions meet high performance standards