Rapid Screen: support upstream chemicals management
One of the main goals of Rapid Screen is to help provide users with a better understanding of what is in their products and the ability to identify and address problematic chemicals when they are first introduced into the supply chain.
One of the main goals of Rapid Screen is to help provide users with a better understanding of what is in their products and the ability to identify and address problematic chemicals when they are first introduced into the supply chain. Often this can be difficult, especially if you don’t know what is in the products or formulations that you source.
Over the past several months, the team at Scivera has been adding functionality to Rapid Screen to simplify the process of gathering chemical information into a bill of substances while still supporting the need to maintain proprietary ingredient information. And we’re excited to announce some big updates!
When you create a Collection (a group of chemicals) in Rapid Screen, you now have 5 options to choose from:
- Quick Collection
- BOS Builder
- Upload BOS
- Upload SDS
- Collection Assembler – NEW!
(We’ve also added some helpful tool tips and guidance to our menu to help you choose between the different creation options and have updated the selection page.)
The steps for the first 4 methods will look familiar (with a few small tweaks) but we’ve added an optional extra step to each. For each creation method, you now have an option to import data from other Collections or request new data from others to complete your Collection. This can be incredibly helpful if you need to gather chemical information for assessment from a supplier or if you don’t want to re-enter individual CASRNs for a component that you have already assessed in Rapid Screen.
We’ve also added a new creation method called Collection Assembler where you can skip adding individual CASRNs but import/pull data together from existing Collections or request new data from others for your assessments. For example, maybe you have already created Collections for various subcomponents that you work with. With Collection Assembler, you can pull each of these subcomponents together into one Collection to review and assess the product as a whole.
Your assessment results in Rapid Screen will include assessments for any CASRNs you enter as well as the assessment results for linked Collections allowing you to see a full bill of substances and the assessment results.
If you’re sharing a Collection or responding to a request you still have the opportunity to share your formulation with redaction, meaning the recipient will not see any CASRNs or chemical names for your formulation but will still receive the assessment results that they need.
We would love to hear what you think about these updates and please let us know if you have any questions about the new functionality and how it can help you in your work.