ZDHC Recognizes SciveraLENS® as Indicator of ZDHC MRSL Conformance
SciveraLENS® platform is approved to support global textile chemical manufacturers in reaching ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL) Conformance.
Charlottesville, VA – Scivera, a leading provider of chemicals management solutions for the global consumer products industry, announced today that its SciveraLENS® platform is approved to support global textile chemical manufacturers in reaching ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (ZDHC MRSL) Conformance.
The ZDHC Roadmap to Zero Programme is a collaboration of leading global fashion, active apparel, and footwear brands, as well as suppliers, manufacturers and associated companies. ZDHC’s mission is to enable brands in the textile, apparel, and footwear industries to implement chemical management best practices and advance towards zero discharge of hazardous chemicals by collaborative Engagement, Standard Setting and Implementation. ZDHC’s vision is widespread implementation of sustainable chemistry, driving innovations and best practices in textile, apparel and footwear industries to protect consumers, workers and the environment.
By integrating the ZDHC MRSL Conformance Process with the SciveraLENS® online platform, Scivera provides an unrivaled system to demonstrate chemical product safety while protecting a company’s proprietary ingredient information. In addition to the process efficiencies delivered by SciveraLENS®, footwear and apparel brands and suppliers striving for achievement against the ZDHC Manufacturing Restricted Substance List (ZDHC MRSL) can instantly and securely screen unlimited chemicals and formulations for a single annual fee from the SciveraLENS cloud-based Rapid Screen app.
“Scivera strives to create the path to better products via preferred chemicals,” said Joe Rinkevich, founder and president of Scivera. “Our team of board-certified toxicologists and researchers have for years processed assessments of chemicals for a variety of assessment systems. Working together, Scivera and ZDHC can help leading global brands and their suppliers meet increasingly progressive goals for sustainable chemistry by empowering better decision-making throughout the supply chain.”
“We are pleased to have SciveraLENS® joining as a ZDHC Accepted MRSL Conformance Certification Standard”, says Scott Echols, ZDHC Programme Director. “Scivera brings several years of experience performing alternatives assessments and reviewing chemical formulations for consumer products to our program.”
In addition to automated list screening and alerts to changes, SciveraLENS delivers quick and efficient access to thousands of assessments for human and environmental health by Scivera’s board-certified toxicologists. Scivera’s reports provide summarized as well as deep insight into toxicology data allowing users to screen chemicals for compliance, innovation, chemical alternatives assessment, and sustainable chemistry.
“To meet the rising expectations of consumers and retailers worldwide, brands must embrace new methods to engage the supply chain and provide timely and cost-effective means of screening, risk assessment, and reporting,” continued Rinkevich. “This expansion from a compliance view to forward-thinking, proactive leadership will be driven by technology-based solutions that are anchored in sound toxicological practice but made simple to use and universally deployable. SciveraLENS, backed by our team of board-certified toxicologists and technology experts accelerates this evolution.”
Founded in 2008, Scivera provides cloud-based software tools and consulting services to major consumer product brands and their global suppliers to support chemical regulatory compliance, alternatives assessment, product integrity goals, and corporate sustainability efforts. Scivera, SciveraLENS, and Rapid Screen are Trademarks of Scivera LLC. Learn more at www.scivera.com.
The ZDHC Roadmap to Zero Programme is an industry coalition of over 85 contributors*, working together to eliminate and substitute hazardous chemicals from the global textile, apparel, leather and footwear value chain.