Enhesa partners with Denxpert

Providing a comprehensive environmental, health, safety and sustainability solution.

Partnership creates turnkey global EHS and ESG legal compliance solution.

Providing a comprehensive environmental, health, safety and sustainability solution

Brussels & Washington & Budapest, 13 April 2023 – Enhesa, the leading provider of global regulatory and sustainability intelligence, today announced a strategic partnership with Denxpert, a leading provider of environmental, health, safety and sustainability (EHS&S) software. Together, the two companies will provide global organizations with a comprehensive, user-friendly way to manage their ongoing EHS & environmental, social and governance (ESG) audits and compliance reporting.

Tracking and complying with local, national, and international regulations is a challenge for companies of all sizes in every industry. With thousands of new ESG and EHS compliance and reporting requirements being introduced globally, governing everything from the chemical composition of manufactured products to the management of remote workforces, businesses are struggling to keep pace. Under the agreement, Denxpert will integrate Enhesa’s comprehensive regulatory intelligence into its LEGAL software solution, creating a simple, full-service EHS&S solution that will help clients address compliance challenges and meet their specific local and national jurisdictional requirements, in the regions in which they operate.

“By partnering with Denxpert, Enhesa’s regulatory compliance intelligence is being leveraged in cutting-edge technology and will deliver even greater value to customers,” said Peter Schramme, CEO of Enhesa. “This partnership represents a powerful combination of our expertise in regulatory and sustainability intelligence and Denxpert’s expertise in EHS&S software. We are excited about the opportunities that this partnership will create.”

Robert Szücs-Winkler, CEO from Denxpert added, that “With this partnership, Denxpert can provide a complete EHS and ESG legal register solution, tailored to the unique regulatory requirements of the regions in which our customers operate. We are looking forward to help our clients around the globe and expect huge interest in the Enhesa content. We also see continued opportunity to collaborate with Enhesa to leverage our complementary assets in EHS&S operations, sustainable chemistry and chemicals management.”

About Enhesa

Enhesa is the leading provider of regulatory and sustainability intelligence worldwide. As a trusted partner, we empower the global business community with the insight to act today and prepare for tomorrow to create a more sustainable future – positively impacting our environment, our health, our safety, and our future. Navigating the fast-changing compliance and sustainability landscapes, we help them understand not just what they should do (first), but also how to do it. Both in their unique business and anywhere in the world. Now and in the future. Website: www.enhesa.com

About Denxpert

Denxpert is an innovative EHS&S management software that provides easy-to-implement digital solutions in EHS compliance, data management and sustainability worldwide. Denxpert helps corporations align their business vision with EHS&S legal requirements through an intuitive management software that makes compliance, data collection, and reporting effortless. In the crossfire of managerial expectations and overwhelmed EHS and Sustainability professionals, it can be a very hard task for clients to find and manage the relevant data as well as to create reports from non-transparent excel sheets and other, unorganized sources. Denxpert’s solution creates order from this chaos by reducing and simplifying the work of all participants while producing flawless reports. Website: https://denxpertsolutions.com/