Textiles 101: Beyond chemicals

Free webcast

The first in a new 101-level series brought to you by Enhesa Product Intelligence’s Expert Solutions and Services team. Learn about the mandatory requirements concerning the labeling, waste, and chemical restrictions on textiles.

*Labeling, safety and waste requirements for textiles 
*Chemical restrictions in the manufacturing of textiles 
*Global mandatory standards coming up for the industry


Textiles 101: Beyond chemicals

A new series of 101 series focused on sharing baseline requirements for a range of product categories.

The first in this new series which will focus on Textiles 101: Beyond chemicals. The webcast covers: 

  • The Waste and Resources Action (WRAP) extended producer responsibility status report 
  • Digital labeling requirements in the UK 
  • Mexico’s proposal to reduce textile waste 
  • The EU’s proposed ban on PFHxA in apparel and textiles  
  • Australia’s new Consumer Goods (Care Labelling) Information Standard 2023 


Stacey Bowers

Global Product Compliance Manager, Enhesa Product Intelligence 

Angela Rumsey (Moderator)

Content Marketing Manager, Enhesa Product Intelligence 

Watch now

Watch this webcast for a high-level overview of applicable global regulations and mandatory standards.

*Learn more about restrictions on azo dyes, formaldehyde, and PFAS
*Discover new and upcoming labeling and waste requirements for apparel, accessories, home textiles, and footwear
*Review proposals currently under consideration in the EU and Mexico