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398 results
A regulatory update on protection of workers from work-related Cancer in the EU

A regulatory update on protection of workers from work-related Cancer in the EU

Work-related cancer is the leading cause of workplace deaths. Explore recent EU regulatory developments addressing this issue.

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Working safely in the sun: regulating for a changing climate

Working safely in the sun: regulating for a changing climate

It’s been an extreme summer for many parts of the world, with record-breaking temperatures (again).

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Best practice solutions: staffing resources & departmental health

Best practice solutions: staffing resources & departmental health

Greetings reader! Thanks for joining us on the first volume of the 12 Best Practices of Compliance Solutions Series.

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Global criminal enforcement of illegal waste exports – a renewed focus

Global criminal enforcement of illegal waste exports – a renewed focus

Interpol’s “30-days of action” global enforcement action to combat illegal waste exports and we examine to what extent the problem is being dealt w…

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Workplace stress: do we have the right to be disconnected from work

Workplace stress: do we have the right to be disconnected from work

Finding a work-life balance has become a difficult task these days. The barrier between one’s work and private life is becoming increasingly porous.

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What is EHS?

What is EHS?

EHS (or HSE, or however this domain is abbreviated by your company) is a straightforward acronym of the words ‘Environment’, ‘Health’ and ‘Safety’.

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5 tips to becoming an EHS leader

5 tips to becoming an EHS leader

Back in 2015, in the early developmental stages of the ISO 45001 health and safety standard, and just prior to the publication of the revised stand…

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Why is a “legal register” no longer enough under ISO 14001 and ISO 45001?

Why is a “legal register” no longer enough under ISO 14001 and ISO 45001?

How would you define a “legal register”? Where does the phrase come from?

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Is there a place for artificial intelligence in EHS Regulation

Is there a place for artificial intelligence in EHS Regulation

“Could you tell me if Enhesa, or one of the EHS software providers you are working with, is considering the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)?

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A look around the world at mental health in the workplace

A look around the world at mental health in the workplace

Among the countless number of occupational diseases workers are exposed to globally, mental health issues have proved to be one of the most dangerous.

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California demands disclosure of chemicals in cleaning products

California demands disclosure of chemicals in cleaning products

California Becomes First US State to Require Manufacturers of Designated Cleaning Products to Disclose Hazardous Chemicals on Labels and Online

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Shock waves in China

Shock waves in China

A German auto parts manufacturer discovers the importance of overseeing their upstream supplier’s environmental regulatory compliance in China.

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