Advertise your job vacancy with Enhesa Product
Get your vacancy filled quickly. Adverties positions almost instantly on our dedicated jobs page, accessible to as many as 290,000 monthly visitors.
Get your vacancy in front of the right people
Jobs advertised on the Enhesa Product Intelligence platform are sorted geographically, making it easy for your listing to be discovered by those looking for vacancies wherever they’re based.
What’s more, your job listing will also feature in our weekly professional networking and development newsletter and weekly news alert (sent to over 39,000 members), on X (Twitter) to over 7,200 followers, and will be shared with the Chemical Watch news & events by Enehsa LinkedIn group of over 10,000+ members.

Single vacancy
- Single vacancy job listing for up to one month;
- Recruiter profile and company logo on the dedicated jobs page, where all current job vacancies within your company will be displayed (please note, this feature is only available to employers, not recruitment agencies);
- Job listing featured in our weekly professional networking and development newsletter and weekly news alert – sent to over 39,000 members; and
- Job listing shared on the Chemical Watch news & events – by Enhesa LinkedIn group to over 10,000+ members.
Extend your single vacancy listing to get 10% discount on the second month.

Featured job
Make your job vacancy stand out by advertising your position as a featured job – it will appear at the top of the jobs page, and feature more prominently in our weekly professional networking and development newsletters.
- Single vacancy offering, plus:
- Job listing to appear as a ‘featured job’ at the top of the dedicated jobs page (strictly limited to two featured jobs at a time); and
- Job listing to appear as a ‘featured job’ in our weekly professional networking and development newsletter.
Jobs package
The most cost-effective way to advertise multiple jobs, this package includes 6 single vacancy job listings (one month per job). Once booked, these can be scheduled to suit your recruitment plan across a six–month period.
Browse our media pack
Recruiter profiles
When you advertise your job with Enhesa Product Intelligence, you’ll also receive a free recruiter profile. This will include your logo on the dedicated jobs page, in our jobs and events alerts, and a profile page dedicated to your company, where your vacancies will be listed.
Single vacancy (£410/ €531 / $621)
One-month job listing with recruiter profile on our dedicated jobs page.
Featured job (£601 / €725 / $843)
Ensure your vacancy stands out from the rest
Extended vacancy (£728 / €878 / $1,028)
Extend your single vacancy listing to get 10% discount on the second month.
Jobs package – POA
Cost-effective bundle package: six single vacancy jobs (one month per job)
Interested? Get in touch
To discuss prices, find out more, or secure your job advert today, call our team on +44 (0)1743 818 101 ext.803 or email us at
VAT: Orders from UK-based organizations will incur VAT (sales tax) at 20%. Business customers in other EU countries should account for VAT themselves (reverse charging procedure). Orders from outside the EU are not liable to VAT.