Upcoming advertising opportunities

Connect your business to our world-leading Enhesa Product Intelligence network of 40,000+ regulatory and product safety professionals.

Sponsor our live and virtual events

Direct access to your target customers: Our up-to-the-minute programs and world-class speakers attract the very highest caliber of delegates.

Benefit from ongoing promotion: Sustained campaigns of promotional activity in the run-up to events put your brand directly in front of our more than 40,000-strong community, through email and social media posts across LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.

Pick and mix to suit your specific needs: Choose from a rich program of events throughout the year, spanning the globe and tackling a wide range of relevant topics.

Stand out from the crowd: Limited exhibitor spaces offer an opportunity to focus all eyes on your brand, rather than your competitors.

Browse our full list of upcoming events

Plus, with our virtual events, you’ll also receive:


Full access to the delegate list and the opportunity to request targeted introductions to delegates of interest.


A dedicated space in the conference program to host your own workshop for virtual attendees.


Promotion of relevant opt-in content to delegates ahead of the event (e.g. whitepapers, video content).


An advertising slide in the conference show reel shown during breaks.


Two free delegate places for your colleagues.


The chance to speak directly with delegates in our dedicated virtual networking area.

Get our Events Media Pack

For more information on events sponsorship, download our Events Media Pack using the button below.

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Global Service Providers Guide

About the Guide

Each May, we publish the Global Service Providers Guide – the expert resource helping thousands of regulatory, product compliance and safety professionals to understand the chemicals management and control landscape. It is well known and highly regarded in the chemicals management and control community, and renowned as the go-to reference guide for those seeking new service providers.

The Guide offers you a unique opportunity to promote your services and expertise to thousands of professionals seeking new service providers.

Find out more

By booking a profile in the Guide, you’ll be able to:


Showcase your product/service in a clear and searchable format within the Guide.


Benefit from 12 months of online promotion in the service providers directory.


Feature in hundreds of print copies shared with qualified service provider buyers among our global community of regulatory professionals.


Reach our global audience of 40,000 chemical control and management professionals.

Find out more

For more details about the Global Service Provicers Guide, click the button below.

Get more details

Download the 2025 media pack

Advertise with Enhesa Product Intelligence, and you will share our impressive web traffic, drawn from regions and companies across the globe. Our advertisers create and deliver business solutions that fit the needs of our subscribers and drive the results they want.

For full details and prices on our wide range of advertising and sponsorship opportunities, which also includes promotion of your banners, jobs and events, download the 2023 Enhesa Product Intelligence media pack today!

Download the media pack

Want more information?

To find out more, or to make a booking, please get in touch with our sales team via phone or email:

Phone: +44 (0)1743 818 292

Email:  product.sales@enhesa.com