Expert regulatory analysis and support

Analyst Helpdesk overview

Get timely answers, insights, reassurance, and validation for difficult and time-consuming questions from our team of experts.

Team expertise at your fingertips

Our team can help you find information on the latest regulations, such as restrictions, prohibitions, purpose and applicability, and to understand existing issues and their impact on your business. Analyst Helpdesk is a time and cost-saving extension to your team, giving you direct access to the wide breadth of knowledge and experience of the entire Enhesa Product Intelligence analyst team.

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What you’ll get…


Extra in-depth regulatory insight when you need it

Flexibly add extra knowledge and capacity when you’re short on time or expertise.


Clarity and reassurance from proven experts

Verify your understanding of regulation and business impacts with expert advice.


Insight backed by global regulatory knowledge

Our global analyst team draws on extensive experience in a range of jurisdictions.


The answers you need to challenging questions

Get a deeper understanding of underlying issues with specialist insight and advice.


Extra compliance capacity on tap

Get extra capacity at a fraction of the cost and without the hassle of hiring and training staff.


Practical industry advice backed by experience

As well as regulatory experience, our team has extensive industry knowledge.
