Video tutorials

The Enhesa Product Intelligence platform delivers all our intelligence to you in one place bringing together Chemical Watch News & Insight, Regulatory Database, Professional Development and more. Watch these short video tutorials to get the most out of your membership.

Navigation and homepage

For those new to the Enhesa Product Intelligence platform, this tutorial shows you the basics of the homepage and navigation within the platform.

Searching for content

Our advanced search tool delivers the most relevant and accurate results and connects your searches to chemical names, synonyms and chemical substance CAS numbers databases.

Lenses and notifications

Create personalized Lenses of the content that matters to you, plus set up custom notifications to ensure you don’t miss anything.


Create themed collaborative Groups around specific activities of your choice, and easily post handpicked content to your Groups from anywhere on the platform.

Virtual Conference Venue

Our Virtual Conference Venue (VCV) allows you to access our live and on-demand events and network with others from the comfort of your home or office. It is available to those with the Professional Development membership.

For more tutorial and help getting more from your membership, visit our Help page.