Track RoHS and RoHS-like regulation in one easy-to-use tool

RoHS Global Regulatory Comparison

Keep track of RoHS and RoHS-like regulations all in one place, in a single user-friendly report. Just one of the data tools you can choose as part of Focused Compliance Solution.

Easily monitor your RoHS requirements

Our bespoke data tool lets you easily keep track of RoHS and RoHS-like requirements across the world through the use of a simple and continuously updated tool. You’ll get detailed, reliable and up-to-date breakdowns of RoHS requirements by jurisdiction, showing which products are in scope, what the requirements are and what’s changed recently.

Enquire today

What you’ll get…


Visibility of regulatory requirements

Relating to restricted substances, exemptions, reporting and labeling requirements and more.


Clarity on what’s in the regulatory scope

See which product types are in the scope of regulations and compare between regions.


Quarterly analyst-led webinars

On key updates and trends as part of Focused Compliance Solution.


Scannable checklists and tables

That help you quickly identify the applicable regulation and compare between jurisdictions.


Comprehensive version control

So you can see recent changes at a glance, without searching through large volumes of data.


10 hours’ analyst helpdesk time

To answer your questions as part of Focused Compliance Solution.