A Tour of SciveraLENS
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Getting Started with SciveraLENS
There are some key parts of SciveraLENS that will be good to get familiar with as you use the tool.
When you log in to SciveraLENS, you’ll see the following sections:
- Your Profile (see previous section for more information)
- Left-hand navigation menu
- The left-hand navigation menu is dynamic based on your subscription access and permissions but is a great way to navigate through the system. On each page of SciveraLENS, we’ve provided a simple explanation of what you can find on each page. As you’re getting familiar with SciveraLENS, we encourage you to explore. See something you have questions about? You can always ask us too.
- Overview page
- This page is your “launch pad” when you first log into SciveraLENS. Here you can track important statistics regarding your use of the tool and see any items that need action.
Left-Hand Navigation
Below is a list of possible navigation menu items we have available in SciveraLENS. You may not see all of these menu items when you login to your SciveraLENS account as the menu is dynamic and changes based on your access and subscription type. If you are interested in any of the features listed, please let us know and we can talk through subscription upgrade options.
- Overview – The Overview page is your own personal SciveraLENS dashboard that will change and update as you use the system. Here you can view important subscription statistics and actions needed.
- Alerts and Notifications – When any lists are updated that impact your chemicals or if any data is updated related to the Chemical Hazard Assessment results for your chemicals of interest, we’ll let you know here.
- Look Up CAS RNs – Quickly look up CAS RNs (by CAS RN or common name) and view assessment results against almost 500 lists and 23 human health and environmental fate endpoints.
- Add to CAS RN Library – Add a list of CAS RNs (text, CSV, copy & paste) into SciveraLENS for assessment.
- CAS RN Library – The CAS RN Library provides a list of the chemicals or CAS RNs you have entered into your SciveraLENS account. Sort or filter through your list of CAS RNs, view summary assessment results, and create groups of chemicals for review.
- CAS RN Groups – Organize your chemicals of interest into groups based on the criteria that matter most to you. View assessment results for the full group of CAS RNs in a paginated report.
- All Formulations – Build chemical formulations, mixtures, products, and recipes in SciveraLENS. Enter important formulation information like concentration, whether it is an ingredient or impurity, and more, and view your assessment results.
- Sent Requests – Using SciveraLENS, you can send and manage requests for information with your suppliers and share formulation and ingredient information while protecting proprietary ingredient information. The Sent Requests menu provides a view of all the requests you have sent through the system. Here you can check on request status, send reminders, and edit requests as needed.
- Received Formulations – As suppliers or other contacts share Formulations with you, you will be able to view them in the Received Formulations menu. Pending permissions, you can import these Formulations into your own as needed to view assessment results.
- Received Requests – View and respond to any requests you have received from other SciveraLENS users.
- Shared Formulations – When you respond to a request in SciveraLENS, your shared formulations are listed here. The Shared Formulations menu is where you can view shares that you have made and edit if needed.
Services/ Certificates
- Active Certificates – SciveraLENS supports a number of certification standards and scoring programs. You can manage your certificate requests from this menu and view status updates.
- Completed Certificates – Manage all of your Completed Certificates here, check for updates, review renewal and report details.
- Lists – Our team manages and maintains hundreds of lists for you to use in screening. This menu shows all of the lists we manage, the date the list was last updated by the authority, and the number of CAS RNs included on the list. This is also where you can start to configure your subscription by selecting lists that are considered “favorites” for easier selection.
- Tags – As your list of Formulations grows, you may want to organize and filter through them. You can easily tag your Formulations and then view these tags in this section.
- Chemical Names – There are often many synonyms for certain chemicals. We use the registered chemical name from the CAS Registry. If you would prefer to refer to a certain CAS RN by another name or synonym, you can create a “chemical name” that will be used in place of the common name in your account.
- User Guide – Need a tip on how to use SciveraLENS more efficiently or where to find something? This is the place to go! In our User Guide, we provide articles to familiarize you with the tool and help you through any projects you are working on.
- Support – Need help? Fill in this quick form and we’ll be in touch shortly.
- Suggestions – We love hearing from our users! Is there something we could add that would make your life or job easier? Is there something new you learned or a feature that you love? Let us know!
You can also navigate through the tool using the tiles on the Overview page.
The Overview page is your own personal SciveraLENS dashboard that will change and update as you use the system.
There are some key areas of the Overview page that are helpful to note.
- Your subscription details – this section can be helpful for tracking your renewal date and any CAS RN or sharing limits as part of your subscription type. For example, the CAS RNs tile is a great place to keep an eye on the number of unique CAS RNs you have entered into your account and help you monitor how close you are to your subscription CAS RN limit (if applicable).
- Notifications and Alerts – this section is a great place to click to make sure you’re not missing any updated assessment results that impact your chemicals of interest
- Activity – the rest of the tiles will look different depending on your level of subscription. Each tile on the Overview page tells you something about your subscription and subscription usage.
Here are some of the tiles you may see:
CAS RNs Used shows the total number of unique CAS RNs that you have added to and are tracking in SciveraLENS over your subscription lifetime. You can always dig in deeper to the library of CAS RNs in your account by selecting CAS RN Library.
Formulations is an easy way to navigate the list of Formulations you have built over time in your SciveraLENS account.
Notifications and Alerts will flag any changes that have occurred to assessment results for any of the chemicals that you are tracking in SciveraLENS, whether they were added one by one, as a group of Chemicals, or as a formulation. These alerts allow you to relax. SciveraLENS will do the work for you and let you know if anything changes that impacts the chemicals you’re interested in.
If you have any items that you need to take action on like responding to a Received Request or updates to your Certificate or Services Requests those will be flagged on your Overview page as well.
You can click on any of these tiles for a deeper look.
> Using SciveraLENS
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