Sharing Your Collections
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What Happens When You Share Your Ingredient Information and Assessment Results in SciveraLENS?
We understand how important your confidential ingredient information is to your business. This is why we developed our data redaction and disclosure processes as a core feature of SciveraLENS. Within SciveraLENS, you can share your assessment results with others while protecting proprietary ingredient information (i.e., chemical name and registry number). When you choose to share your information using SciveraLENS, redaction is turned on for your shared Formulations by default. This means all chemical ingredient identity information will be hidden in the shared report replaced with the word “redacted”.
When you share your Formulation, it is important to know what is included in the shared report and what information is available for use by the recipient when you choose to share. To summarize, when you share your Formulation, the following information is included:
- Formulation Name
- Your contact information (first name, last name, email address)
- Number of chemicals in the Formulation (shown as individual rows)
- Concentration of each chemical (if provided)
And, depending on your SciveraLENS subscription type:
- List screen results
- Comprehensive Chemical Hazard Assessment (CHA) results
- Access to updated assessment results
- Ability to import Formulation, incorporate into other Formulations, and share with others (maintaining your redaction settings always)
Here is an example of a SciveraLENS redacted report:
In the example above, the person who created the Formulation had access to SciveraLENS assessment results through their subscription and can view both list screen and comprehensive hazard assessment results (i.e. details for each of the 23 human and environmental health endpoints). However, for the Redacted report recipient, the access to detailed toxicological reports (available when clicking into each endpoint) is disabled and they are only able to view the list screen and hazard assessment results, but no identifying chemical ingredient information.
Recipients of redacted reports often need to incorporate the shared results into another formulation or product. In this case, the recipient of your shared report will import that information into their own Formulation. In all cases, redacted chemical information will remain redacted.
Receiving and Viewing Formulations in SciveraLENS
When a user shares a Formulation with you, you will receive an email inviting you to view the Formulation in SciveraLENS.
If you are a new SciveraLENS user, you will be invited to set up an account and view the Formulations that have been shared with you.
If you are already a SciveraLENS subscriber, you’ll be able to view each share in your existing account.
To view your received Formulations, click on the Received Formulations menu option in your SciveraLENS account.
Depending on the version of SciveraLENS the owner of the Formulation has, you’ll be able to review their chemical assessment for:
- List Hits – Does the chemical of interest appear on any Regulatory, Authoritative, Industry, and Preferred Lists and Sublists?
- Human and Environmental Health Attributes – Understand the underlying hazard characteristics for each chemical. This Insight report gives you a more in-depth look into your chemicals of interest, allowing you to predict future regulations and better understand the chemicals in your products with the help of our board-certified Toxicologist’s assessments.
For more information on how to interpret these reports, check out the “Interpreting your Report” User Guide article.
Don’t forget, you can filter the Formulations that have been shared with you. Find the filter icon on your Received Formulations page:
You can filter and search your Received Formulations by specific text, who the Formulation was shared by, and more:
> Continue to Additional Assessments and Programs in SciveraLENS
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