How does TSCA affect your business?

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Understand the transformation of TSCA and what it means for you

Since TSCA was amended in 2016, the impact on industry has been significant. The US EPA’s steps to update policy positions on new and existing chemicals programs have reignited debates on the scope of TSCA, and led to uncertainty surrounding risk evaluations, premarket chemical reviews, user fees, confidentiality and more. Further developments will depend on the agency’s agenda and decisions in pivotal legal challenges.

Enhesa Product Intelligence is committed to helping you understand the transformation of  TSCA regulation and what it means for your products and your business. Our regular news coverage, in-depth features, conferences, training and expert assistance from our analyst team can help you keep your compliance efforts on track.  

Introducing our Enhesa Product Intelligence experts

Kelly Franklin

North America Managing Editor 

Before joining Chemical Watch News & Insight in 2015, Kelly managed regulatory affairs for several trade groups in the building products industry. She is now a leading expert on TSCA in the US. 

Nhat Nguyen 

Chief Analyst

Nhat joined the company in April 2018 as Chief Analyst. He is a US-licensed attorney, who has worked as a regulatory analyst and consultant. Nhat leads Enhesa Product Intelligence’s team of expert analysts and has experience advising customers on a range of issues in Asia, the EU and the US. 

Recent news coverage of TSCA

Regulatory content and sustainability intelligence

US EPA outlines changes to TSCA pre-market reviews to enhance efficiency, worker protections

26 June 2024 | Agency implements engineering checklist, revises consent order boilerplate

Regulatory content and sustainability intelligence

Publication of TSCA risk evaluation rule starts clock for parties to file legal challenge

3 May 2024 | Judicial review of US EPA decisions could yield ‘messy’ regulatory landscape

Regulatory content and sustainability intelligence

US EPA bans most uses of methylene chloride under TSCA

30 April 2024 | Final rule offers some industry concessions while holding firm on certain issues

Learn more with Chemical Watch Events & Training

The Fundamentals of TSCA

Implementation of the amended Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) is very much a work in progress, and the US EPA’s regulatory actions require continuous monitoring. Staying on top of these changes is critically important, and training on current regulatory requirements is vital.

This eLearning course provides in-depth training on the very latest TSCA regulatory and policy developments. Course content includes:

  • the fundamentals of TSCA, including the definitions it uses and the centrality of its chemical substances inventory;
  • strategies for successful new chemicals submissions; and
  • ongoing compliance obligations and more.
Find out more

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