Try the faster, more effective way to screen your chemicals for hazards

Chemical Assess makes it simple to identify hazardous chemicals or chemicals that are on regulatory and advisory lists, helping you make safer, more sustainable choices. 

To see if you qualify for a 1-month free pilot, take the questionnaire below.

Chemical Assess can help you to…

Make more informed decisions

With a better view of regulatory, reputational, and other risks  


Protect your market access

By identifying hazardous chemicals, even if they’re not regulated yet 


Safeguard your reputation

By backing your sustainability claims with robust data about the chemicals you use 


Free up time and resources

With quick, cost-effective screening that frees up capacity on your team 

Making safer decisions about chemicals doesn’t have to be so difficult.

With Chemical Assess, it’s simple to get the information you need. On-demand screening through our industry leading platform shows you immediately if your chemicals are regulated or restricted and a summarized view helps you understand the impact of your chemicals on humans and the environment so you can identify possible risks, compare chemicals, and take the necessary action to protect your brand, your consumers, and your workers.  

Configured views give you the information you need in an intuitive way, empowering your experts and non-technical stakeholders to make more confident decisions.

Read the Chemical Assess factsheet
Senior sportswoman walking on the street

See more data about your chemicals with less hassle

Assess gives you fast, flexible screening against 23 toxicological endpoints, plus lists. Screen your chemicals individually or in bulk to rapidly review even thousands of chemicals. 

Draw on an extensive database of hazard information, created and maintained by our expert team using our GHS+ framework, for a comprehensive view of hazards relating to the chemicals you use. 

Chemical Assess is powered by our highly comprehensive database of hazard data

0 +

Verified CHAs


Toxicological endpoints

0 K+


0 +

Customized screening lists

Pretty young womanusing mobile phone in the city while listening

Get the information you need at your fingertips

Chemical Assess makes it easy to understand exactly the information you need. Results are presented in ‘traffic-light’ dashboards that give you the details you need at a glance, making it easy to spot hazards and compare chemical alternatives. 

Plus, if you decide to go ahead with a subscription to Assess, our account-based subscription will mean that your data is accessible to anyone at your organization who needs it, all in one intuitive online platform 

“The Chemical Assess offering has expedited the process and given me more peace of mind to know that we are not missing things.”

Take our questionnaire

Could Chemical Assess be right for your business?

Find out with a one-month free pilot that lets you see for yourself what Chemical Assess can do for you and your team. Just complete the form to discover whether you’re eligible.


Free pilot trial for qualifying candidates only.

Screen up to 50 CAS RNs among up to 5 users.