Screened Chemistry Certification using SciveraLENS
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Generating a request for Screened Chemistry assessment, scoring, and certification has never been easier. Using SciveraLENS, you can fill in the required information needed for Screened Chemistry certification for each product and submit your request to our team for review. As a SciveraLENS subscriber, you have the added benefit of using our Screened Chemistry dashboard where you can preview your Screened Chemistry assessment results before you submit for certification.
About Screened Chemistry
SciveraLENS supports many certifications including Screened Chemistry. Screened Chemistry is a process used by several global apparel brands (including Levi Strauss & Co, H&M, C&A, Nike, and others) to score chemical formulations for presence on various restricted substances lists and preferred substance lists as well as on critical underlying human and environmental health characteristics.
The Screened Chemistry Program marks an important milestone in chemicals management efforts by consumer product brands and their suppliers: Conventional list screening for basic regulatory compliance and restricted substance list control are no longer sufficient for best practices achievement. It is now cost-effective, practical, and highly valuable to go beyond these basic steps to understand and select better chemicals for processes and products using comprehensive human and environmental health characteristics.
Because Screened Chemistry assessments include both a list screening and hazard assessment on each chemical in a formulation, doing this work manually can be time-consuming and expensive. Fortunately, SciveraLENS supports the Screened Chemistry Program and makes scoring and certification fast and cost-effective.
Screened Chemistry Scores can range from 0 to +50 for individual chemicals and formulations overall. The higher the Screened Chemistry score, the more preferred the chemistry. Our board-certified toxicologists generate chemical-level Screened Chemistry scores to help SciveraLENS subscribers understand how individual ingredient selection will impact the overall Screened Chemistry score for a chemical product. This function of SciveraLENS can be a very useful tool for chemical suppliers considering new formulations for Screened Chemistry brands and their factories.
SciveraLENS can help simplify the Screened Chemistry process for you, making the process faster and more cost-effective than traditional assessment and certification methods.
What You Need to Prepare for Screened Chemistry Certification
Screened Chemistry Certification is a major achievement and demonstrates your company’s dedication to ensuring that you create and sell safe products. In order to achieve this status it can take some time, preparation, and cooperation with suppliers to ensure that you meet all of the requirements of the Screened Chemistry program.
Here is a list of some ways you can prepare for submitting your products for certification and helpful things to note about the Screened Chemistry process:
- Conduct training with our staff on the Screened Chemistry program.
- Prepare to send product requests by gathering contact information for sub-suppliers that manufacture components of your formulation.
- Obtaining Confidential Full Formulation Disclosure (CFFD) from suppliers is often the most time consuming step for Screened Chemistry Certification. Communicating with your supplier(s) the importance of their cooperation with responding to product requests is vital in order to expedite the certification process. Without sub-supplier cooperation and CFFD, products will be paused in the certificate process until all required data is received.
- Review your formulation on the Screened Chemistry Dashboard to preview your predicted Screened Chemistry score. You can use SciveraLENS to improve your formulation if needed prior to submitting for certification.
- Fees associated with Screened Chemistry:
- Chemical Verification fee: To complete verification on unverified chemicals (indicated by a missing check mark in the verified column) it is $500/chemical. All chemicals in a product must be verified before a product can be certified.
- Certificate fee: $500/product for the Screened Chemistry Certificate fee. If you would like to get an EIM score, it can be added at no additional cost if done along with Screened Chemistry Certification. The certificate will be released after the payment is received.
Steps for Screened Chemistry Certification
(1) Gather the required data and submit your request for assessment and certification
A SciveraLENS subscription is required in order to submit products for Screened Chemistry Certification.
Screened Chemistry certification requires that you disclose the following:
- Confidential Full Formulation Disclosure
- ZDHC Analytical Testing (see below)
- Supporting documentation
- Product-level Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and Technical Data Sheet (TDS)
- Chemical-level SDS (must be from supplier of chemical)
- Polymer and ethoxylated alcohol assessment data collection form
The ZDHC Analytical Testing requirements for Screened Chemistry include:
- Testing must be completed by a third-party lab verified by ZDHC. A list of ZDHC accredited labs and service providers is available here.
- The analytical testing reports must show conformance with ZDHC MRSL v2; requiring metals testing at a minimum (arsenic, cadmium, mercury, lead, chromium VI, and colorant-specific metals listed on the ZDHC MRSL v2). Accredited labs can provide testing requirements based on your product type.
- Testing must be completed less than one year prior to the Screened Chemistry certification effective date.
You’ll also need to provide a Product-Level Safety Data Sheet and Technical Data Sheet for your product as well as any mixtures or sub-supplier products included in your product. We have tools available to help you engage your suppliers of chemical mixtures used in your products and provide the information needed to complete your Screened Chemistry assessment and certification. Your sub-suppliers’ chemical ingredients will be kept secure and confidential while you can still see the list screening and hazard assessment results.
(2) List Screen
Your chemicals are screened against the US EPA Safer Choice Program Safer Chemical Ingredients Lists (“SCIL”). If any of your chemicals are present on the full or half-green circle lists they will receive a score of 35*, if present on the yellow triangle list the chemical will receive a score of 20*. Each chemical will receive a positive score. Your chemicals are then screened against Screened Chemistry Priority Lists including the ZDHC MRSL, AFIRM RSL, California Proposition 65 List of Substances Known by the State of California to Cause Cancer or Reproductive Harm, the Greenpeace 11 RSL, and the US EPA SCIL – grey square lists. If the chemical is present on any of these lists the score for the overall formulation is automatically capped at 10.
*In order to apply the SCIL score the function of the chemical in the product must match the function on the EPA SCIL list.
(3) Hazard Assessment
For chemicals not present on the SCIL list or Screened Chemistry priority lists, a hazard assessment must be performed. The SciveraLENS GHS+ hazard assessments are accepted for Screened Chemistry. You can score between 10-50 points for each chemical depending on the hazard assessment**.
- Products with scores of 35-50 are “Preferred Chemicals”
- Products with scores of 20-34 are “Needs Improvement” products
- Products with scores of 0-19 are classified as “Phase Out” products
**SciveraLENS provides individual chemical assessments as well as an overall formulation score using a weighted average of each chemical’s score.
(4) Review and Certification
Our team of board-certified toxicologists will review your formulation and assessment results, generate, and send you a Screened Chemistry Certificate for each product. Redacted product reports are also sent to the Brand requesting the Screened Chemistry information.
If you plan on scoring for the EIM product registry, let us know. The list screen and hazard assessment conducted can be done once for multiple certifications – saving you time and money.
Please let us know if you have any questions!
Confidential Full Formulation Disclosure Requirements for Screened Chemistry
In order to proceed with your Screened Chemistry certificate request, you will need to make sure that you have gathered all of the required information needed for us to proceed with the assessment, scoring, and certification. Confidential Full Formulation Disclosure (CFFD) is a requirement for the Screened Chemistry program and is the responsibility of the applicant to obtain this information. Communicating with your supplier(s) the importance of their cooperation with responding to product requests is vital in order to expedite the certification process. Without sub-supplier cooperation and CFFD, products will be paused in the certificate process until all required data is received.
Screened Chemistry requires that you provide the following:
- Confidential Full Formulation Disclosure (including sub-supplier formulations) (by chemical and concentration)
- All intentionally added chemicals at any concentration
- Any impurities (e.g., residuals, byproducts, etc) present in final formulation at 100 ppm (0.01%) or greater
- Any chemicals present as impurities at any concentration and also listed on the ZDHC MRSL v2.0
*Disclosure should be made by the supplier of the raw material or the component mixture (polymers, mixtures, formulated products such as enzymes, or other special case chemicals as requested by the toxicology team), not the formulator of the finished product . If a user needs to gather chemical ingredient information from a supplier, the information should come via the SciveraLENS request process so we can verify the information directly with the supplier.
- Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and Technical Data Sheet (TDS) for each product
- Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for any sub-supplier mixtures or chemicals in your product (must be from the supplier of that component)
- Polymer Assessment Form for any polymers or ethoxylated alcohols in your product
*If the polymer or ethoxylated alcohol is produced by a sub-supplier, this information must be entered into SciveraLENS via a product request and the form must be completed by the sub-supplier.
- Agree to the Disclosure and Declaration of Accuracy on the certificate request form
Gathering your Data and Building your Formulation for Screened Chemistry Certification
(1) Build a new Formulation
(2) Select the type of Formulation to create
For products that you plan on certifying or reviewing for Screened Chemistry, we recommend using the BOS Builder tool as it will allow you to enter additional information required for the Screened Chemistry request form.
(3) Enter your product information
- Name your Formulation and add any supporting information. We recommend that you use the name of your product as the name of the Formulation.
- Enter your chemical ingredient information by chemical registry number (CAS RN) or by common name and select from the dropdown the correct chemical. Identify the SCIL Function (if applicable), Designation, and Type for each ingredient. Concentrations should be entered as a decimal (ex. 80% should be entered as 0.8).
- You can add additional rows by clicking on the green “+” button.
- Send a Request for any sub-supplier formulations or link existing Formulations in your SciveraLENS account. To gather information from a supplier, you will be able to initiate a request directly through SciveraLENS. Select the green “+” button to begin the request process.
- Select “New Request”.
- Once you select “New Request”, you will have access to the request form:
Your suppliers will receive an email inviting them to create a login for a free SciveraLENS data-entry account (if they do not already have an account). With a free SciveraLENS data-entry account, users are able to share up to five times; after five shares users will need to upgrade to a paid account. Suppliers can enter formulation information and share it with you in redacted form meaning CAS RNs and chemical names will be hidden from their share in order to protect proprietary information.
Here are some quick tips when filling out the request form:
- Request Name should be the name of your supplier’s product or formulation you are requesting from your supplier.
- Enter a message to your supplier about what you are requesting and the reason. Below is an example message you can use for Screened Chemistry Requests:“Dear (Contact Name), We are working on certifying one of our products that contains (Supplier Product Name) for Screened Chemistry (required by several fashion and apparel brands). As part of the certification requirements, we must disclose all ingredients and impurities in our product including those we source from our suppliers to meet the Confidential Full Formulation Disclosure requirements. Please provide the requested information using the SciveraLENS system. SciveraLENS will allow you to provide the required information to us without disclosing confidential ingredient information. All data are kept in confidence by Scivera. The use of the Scivera tool to enter your information is free for the first five product shares then you will need to upgrade to a paid SciveraLENS account to keep responding to product requests. . As you enter this information into SciveraLENS, we recommend using BOS Builder which will allow you to select, identify, and attach additional information required for the Screened Chemistry assessment process. The required fields include SCIL Function (if applicable), Designation, Type, and Concentration amount for each chemical in your formulation. Please include a product-level safety data sheet to your collection and complete the polymer form for any polymers or ethoxylated alcohols. If you have questions about ingredient and impurity disclosure requirements for Screened Chemistry, please let me know, or feel free to contact the team at Scivera []. Thank you.”
- Concentration is the concentration of the supplier’s formulation within your product.
- There are a few checkboxes at the bottom of the request form:
- I am requesting Confidential Full Formulation Disclosure (CFFD) as part of this request – checking this box will include a message in the email to your supplier that outlines what CFFD is.
- Automatically import collection when recipient responds to the request – This will automatically pull the supplier’s data into your collection when they respond.
- I am requesting additional data for further certification – checking this box will make the fields needed for the certification programs below required before the recipient can respond.
- Screened Chemistry
It is highly recommended that you check the boxes outlined in blue above to ensure your suppliers complete all the necessary data for Screened Chemistry before responding to your request.
By selecting this check box as part of the request process, your suppliers will be provided with system guidance on which fields are required in order to meet the certification disclosure requirements and will not be able to proceed with their share until all required fields are completed. We have also added a review screen prior to completing a response so suppliers can confirm that they have met 100% ingredient and impurity disclosure, completed all required fields for SCIL function, designation, type, and others, and attached any required documentation.
When responding to a request in SciveraLENS where this option has been selected, there will be the chance to review your response prior to submitting to ensure that you have met all disclosure requirements needed:
Once you have sent the request to your supplier, you will receive a confirmation email and your supplier will receive the request via email to the address you entered in the Collection Request Form.
(4) Attach supporting documents
If you have any supporting information from the supplier for their product (eg SDS, TDS, Polymer and Ethoxylated Alcohol form, etc.) you can attach them here. While responding to your request, the supplier can also attach their SDS and TDS to their response and share those with you. If adding documents, click Browse then Upload File. If not uploading any documents, click Continue.
(5) Select Lists for the list screening step
This is the step in SciveraLENS where you can select from over 400 lists and sublists for screening the chemicals in a Collection. The Screened Chemistry process automatically screens the Priority Chemicals Lists and the Positive Chemicals Lists (SCIL) as part of the scoring process. If there are additional lists you’d like to screen out of broader interest, (eg AFIRM RSL, etc.) you can use this step to add those lists. When you have completed list selection (or if you would like to skip this step) just click on Submit to complete your new Collection Request.
Once you have clicked on the Submit button for the List Selection step, you can view the assessment information for your new Formulation.
(6) Manage your Requests in SciveraLENS
If you have sent a request for information to your sub-supplier, you will be able to track and manage these requests via SciveraLENS. Click on Sent Requests in your SciveraLENS account to view any requests you have sent and see the status of each. There is also a Remind button that enables you to send a reminder to a supplier if needed on a specific request. Once your request has been completed, you will be able to review the submission and import the Formulation into your SciveraLENS account. This will allow you to view the assessment results (while maintaining any redaction set by your supplier) and incorporate that information into other Formulations or Certificate requests.
Screened Chemistry Dashboard in SciveraLENS Version 3
When you click on a Collection you’ll be able to view your assessment results as well as the Screened Chemistry Dashboard for that Collection (let us know if you don’t see it!). You’ll notice at the top of your screen that you have three tabs (or more) available – a Screened Chemistry, Summary, and a Details tab.
We have worked together with the Screened Chemistry brands to develop this dashboard and customized scoring to provide you with a forecast view of how chemistries are assessed using the Screened Chemistry program. As part of the Screened Chemistry certification process, our toxicologists review each column included in the Screened Chemistry dashboard before certifying your product for Screened Chemistry. With access to this dashboard, you have a unique preview or forecast of your Screened Chemistry score allowing you to decide if you want to make formulation changes or are ready to move forward with certification.
We are currently updating the Screened Chemistry dashboard with Version 3. You can review the current Screened Chemistry Version 3 rules here.
Summary Line:
Along the top of the Screened Chemistry Dashboard assessment table, you’ll see the formulation or product summary line. The Collection name is marked in bold at the top. Under %, you’ll see the total concentration represented in your Collection or formulation. When creating a Collection for a formulation, this concentration should total 100%.
Please review the Confidential Full Formulation Disclosure (CFFD) requirements in the section above to ensure that your collection meets the needs for Screened Chemistry Certification.
When applying for Screened Chemistry, your chemicals are automatically screened against several lists. The first list is the US EPA Safer Chemical Ingredients List (“SCIL”). If any of your chemicals are present on the full green circle lists they will receive a score of 30* and a half-green circle list would receive a score of 25*. If present on the yellow triangle list the chemical will receive a score of 20*. Each chemical will receive a positive score. These screening results are included in the column labeled “SCIL”. *In order to apply the SCIL score the function of the chemical in the product must match the function on the EPA SCIL list.
Your chemicals are then screened against Screened Chemistry Priority Lists including the ZDHC MRSL v2, AFIRM RSL, and ChemSec SIN List – grey square lists. If one or more ingredients or applicable impurities are present on the ZDHC MRSL above the stated concentration threshold for the chemical, the formulation receives a Screened Chemistry score of 0. If no ingredients or applicable impurities are present on the ZDHC MRS: v2 but one or more are present on either the AFIRM RSL or the ChemSec SIN List, the chemical receives a score of -5 for the Priority Chemical List Check component.
For any chemicals not present on the SCIL or Screened Chemistry priority lists, we need to evaluate the toxicological data for each of your chemicals and conduct a Chemical Hazard Assessment (CHA). SciveraLENS summarizes the data assessed into what we call our Hazard Category Score (HC). This gives you an overall assessment for the chemical across 23 human and environmental health endpoints, letting you know if your chemical poses an overall high hazard, moderate hazard, or is an acceptable or preferred chemical.
Using this information, we provide you with a forecast Screened Chemistry score for each chemical and then a weighted score for your product/formulation. These scores range from 0 to 50 with a higher score being more preferred.
- ≥35.0 and ≤50.0 points = Preferred Finished Chemical Formulation
- ≥20.0 and <35.0 points = Acceptable Finished Chemical Formulation
- ≥0 and <20.0 = Finished Chemical Formulation of Potential Concern
List Screening Columns:
Screened Chemistry Priority Chemicals List (“PCL #1”):
The PCL # 1 is the ZDHC MRSL.
If the chemical is present on the ZDHC MRSL, you will see a red triangle and this means that the product formulation will not be eligible for certification.
Chemistry is present on the ZDHC MRSL | |
Chemistry is present on the ZDHC MRSL but the reported concentration does not exceed the threshold for the List. | |
Chemistry is not present on the ZDHC MRSL |
If the summary line shows a red triangle, we would encourage you to work on reformulation to remove whatever chemical is causing this list hit.
Screened Chemistry Priority Chemicals List (“PCL #2”):
The PCL #2 are the ZDHC Candidate List, AFIRM RSL and ChemSec SIN List
If a chemical is present on one of these lists, again, you will see a red triangle indicating a list hit in this column. The formulation is still eligible certification, but this will result in that chemical receiving negative points against the overall chemical level score
Chemistry is present on one of the Priority Chemical Lists | |
Chemistry is not present on one of the Priority Chemical Lists |
US EPA Safer Chemicals Ingredient List (“SCIL”):
This is a list of chemicals screened under the US EPA Safer Choice Program and determined to be preferred for human and environmental health for specific applications.
Your chemical appears on one the SCIL lists reviewed for Screened Chemistry | |
Your chemical is not present on any of the SCIL lists |
The Summary Line will show a green triangle if any of the chemicals in your formulation appear on the SCIL lists reviewed.
Hazard Category (HC) and Verified Columns:
The Hazard Category (HC) score is based on an algorithm SciveraLENS created that, based on standard hazard assessment guidelines, weights certain endpoints over others to give you a summary view for that chemistry.
Chemistry of high concern | |
Chemistry of moderate concern | |
Acceptable chemistry | |
Preferred chemistry | |
Not enough data to make a determination |
The Summary Line will show the highest or maximum HC score.
The Verified column indicates the hazard category rating has been confirmed by the SciveraLENS toxicology team and no additional work is needed to assess this chemical. If a chemical has been fully verified, it will be indicated with a check mark. If the check mark is missing from the verified column then additional work is still needed to determine the hazard rating. All chemicals must be verified in order to proceed with Screened Chemistry certification. For unverified chemicals there is a $500/chemical fee to complete the verification process.
Dermal Sensitization Endpoint:
Dermal Sensitization: this column shows a colored stoplight representative of our GHS+ Assessment results for the Dermal Sensitization endpoint.
Chemistry of high concern | |
Chemistry of moderate concern | |
Acceptable chemistry | |
Preferred chemistry | |
Not enough data to make a determination |
Screened Chemistry Forecast Score (SC):
The Screened Chemistry Forecast Score (SC) is a weighted average score taking into account all of the other columns or elements on your Screened Chemistry dashboard:
Your score will range between 0 and 50 for each chemistry. The higher the score, the more preferred the chemistry.
The Summary Line will show a weighted average of all SC scores for each chemical in your formulation.
Note, these scores are meant to provide you with a predicted Screened Chemistry score so you can preview your Screened Chemistry score before submitting for certification, identify problematic chemicals, and find safer alternatives if needed. You’ll notice that some of these scores will be italicized to indicate that the score is a forecast only. All Screened Chemistry submissions will be reviewed by our team of board-certified toxicologists before generating your final score and certificate.
By using both the Screened Chemistry and Details dashboard available in SciveraLENS, you can identify any problematic chemicals, create a new Collection to evaluate potential alternatives, and optimize your formulation prior to submitting for certification.
Submit your Product for Screened Chemistry Certification
When you are ready to move forward with Screened Chemistry certification for your product(s), you can submit your product information using our secure web-based submission form.
If you have already created a Formulation in SciveraLENS for your product, click on the ellipses menu for that Formulation and select “Services/ Certificates”.
You will be directed to the Screened Chemistry Certification Request form and it will be pre-populated with the data from your Formulation.
The system will provide prompts and guidance to help ensure that you have met all disclosure requirements before submitting your request form.
Use the guided prompts to fill in the Certificate request form for each product:
Product Information:
- The company name that the certificate will be listed under
- The product name
These will be listed on your Screened Chemistry certificate so please make sure that they are listed exactly as you would like them entered on your certificate.
Confidential Full Formulation Disclosure:
- SCIL Function (if applicable)
- Designation (Ingredient or Impurity)
- Type (Polymer or Other)
- Concentration (entered as a decimal)
Attach Supporting Documentation
You will be asked to include:
- Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for each intentional ingredient listed
- Polymer and Alcohol Ethoxylate Assessment Form for each polymer and ethoxylated alcohol
- Product-level Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and Technical Data Sheet (TDS)
Select “Save and continue editing” on your Certification Request Form as needed throughout the process so you don’t lose any data. You can return to the form to make additional edits before submission. Once you are ready to submit your Certification Request, select Submit for Review and Certification. This will generate a notification for our toxicology team to begin their review of your product submission.
Once CFFD has been met and all chemicals in the product have been verified, the process usually takes between 4-6 weeks.
Tracking your Certificate Progress in SciveraLENS
As we work through your Certificate request(s), you’ll be able to track progress in your Certificates panel. At the top of your screen, you’ll see one of the following statuses:
- “Pending Review” – Our team has not yet reviewed your submission.
- “Preliminary Review” – Our team has begun our initial review of your submission.
- “Updates Requested” – We need more information from you. Your submission is now unlocked so you can update your submission form as needed for us to complete our assessment.
- “Feedback Requested” – We need more information from you. Please respond accordingly.
- “Approved” – Your submission has been approved. We will begin the formal assessment, scoring, and certification.
- “Preparing Certificate” – Our team is in the process of assessing and scoring your product. Your certificate will be ready soon.
- “Certificate Delivered” – Your product certification is complete.
If you have any questions, you can use the messaging feature at the bottom of your Certificate form or email us at Sustainable Chemistry Screened Chemistry.
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